Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Self Reflection

(1) How do you think you are doing so far in your senior project and why?  AE, P, AP, CR, or NC

I feel like I'm doing awesome! I'm done with my independent learning which I presented on Dec. 3rd. I've also just finished my college class in Spanish Morphology, which connected to my senior project because even though it is a linguistic class it opened my eyes by allowing me to see that all Latinos are different, which could be seen from the social dialects that we have. I felt like this was important and should be identified when dealing with Latino Education since many parents or students may speak a different type of Spanish. Language is very important because it is the way we communicate and if we don't all understand each other then we are going to have problems. I've been doing my service with Uncommon Good, in which I have been calling parents for monthly meeting reminders, speaking to elementary kids, and doing anything he needs me to do. I went to a lecture hosted by Victor Villasenor, who is a Latino author, and all the things he said were very inspiring. I've also started to contact another professor so I could possibly enter her Chicano/Latino Experience course, which should give me more great information. I'm also considering volunteering in La Plaza, which is a Mexican-American museum. I feel like I've done a lot and I've really gained new information so I would give myself a P <-> AE. 

(2) What one thing do you think you have done well on and why?

I am proud of the fact that I've been going out of my way to look for more information, yet I still focus on what is required. I've really been concentrating on local and current events that all have something to do with education. I've been sitting down and watching documentaries about immigration, which all seem to connect to education in some way or another. I also have been keeping up on the Pomona College situation and the peaceful protests that they have been doing in order to make their college change the way they treat people who cannot present their identity papers. 

(3) What is one thing you would like to improve on and why? 

I feel like I should do more research, by actually reading books or articles that relate to Latino Education. I really haven't had time to do that, but will when I get the chance.